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    The ultimate heat pump installation services

    Affordable home heat solutions

    Heat pumps don’t just heat your home, but they are also sustainable and keep costs low each month. Our highly-trained technicians can recommend the best solution for you and begin installation quickly. We will manage the whole installation, so you start noticing the difference a heat pump makes immediately.

    Why invest in a new heating system?

    You may think that since you already have a heating system, you’ll be fine. But when you opt for a new heat pump installation, it lowers energy expenditure offering many benefits.

    Save money on utility bills

    Not only are you getting optimum warmth during the colder months, but you’re making a wise investment too. Heat pumps don’t use as much energy as central heating systems because they move heat around rather than continuously produce it, allowing you to save up to $1,400 a year.

    Choose an environmentally friendly option

    Gas furnaces run off fossil fuels which aren’t the best for the environment. By opting for one of our heat pump installations, instead of consistently creating new heat, the system moves heat around the room, meaning you can enjoy the comfort of heating your home while reducing your carbon emissions.

    Improve your energy ratings

    When installing a heat pump into your home or building, you’re getting rewarded with excellent energy ratings. Our systems each come with a fantastic SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio) and HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor).

    Signs you need to replace your heating system

    How do you know if you’re due an upgrade to your heating system?
    Some of the signs could be:


    Your system is over 15 years old

    Heating systems have a lifespan, and they are typically between 15 to 20 years. Once your system reaches this age, you will need to start to consider replacing it. 


    Your energy bills are increasing

    If you’ve noticed your energy bills have become much higher, but you are using the same system without any other differences, it is a sign you need to swap it out for a new heat pump.


    Your current system is too loud

    Excessive noise such as rattling, humming, and screeching is a big sign that something is wrong with your current heating system and that it needs to be replaced. 


    You are having regular repairs

    If you’re finding yourself paying for new repairs on your heating system more frequently, you may be spending more money than needed. A new system can save you more in the long run.

    Get a quote

    If you need a new heat pump, one of our skilled technicians will personally evaluate your HVAC needs free of charge and provide you with a cost-effective quote.